13 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
13 Votes in Poll
Learnmore is definitely going through as he’s the act that deserves to win this whole season (especially now with Attraction Juniors and Legión both robbed from going further). He is one of the best acts of the season and better than Richard or Sky Elements
14 Votes in Poll
All I’m going to say is the acts I am mainly rooting for to go through tonight are NiNi, Legión, and AirFootWorks. Also hope the golden buzzer goes to either AirFootWorks or NiNi
@Xsimmo369 I’ll probably make a poll like this each week
19 Votes in Poll
This would be nice, especially if either the auditions or judge cuts invite four guest judges. That would be so much better than having the Judges have 2 golden buzzers and then having them in the live rounds.
While I feel Attraction Juniors or Hyper Kids Africa should’ve got the golden buzzer, I’m glad Sofia gave it to an act that didn’t get one last round regardless.
Now hopefully those two acts plus Liv will get to go to the finals with the Hakuna Matatas. Honestly all 3 of them were the best acts of the night already!
@Treyy77 He won’t. There are so many acts better than him this year, including three particular ones (Learnmore, Legión, and Attraction Juniors)
Anyway tonight I am mainly rooting for Attraction and Liv to make to the next round. Both are acts I want to make to the finals, and I really hope Attraction Juniors will get the golden buzzer (don’t think it go to someone who got one in the auditions)
That’s one reason
But also I strongly feel the golden buzzers in the Quarterfinals (terrible idea to begin with in the first place) should be given to acts who didn’t get golden buzzers in the auditions.
Again,horrible. If anything Attraction Juniors deserve the Golden buzzer
Right now all I can say is I hope Helen either gets to return as some wild card choice or voting for a spot thing like Storm Large or returns in a future season, them not having her on the live shows is a vitally huge mistake
@Xsimmo369 cannot wait to see what they do then
@Bartamethius I mostly agree with your picks except I put Attraction Juniors in the Top 5 and replace Richard with someone else (as for who, I have a few choices)
The act that should’ve won Season 17 was Fusion Japan, but they were robbed due to the terrible format (many of the acts should’ve been in the Top 10 were)
I haven’t said it here before, but I am so glad that they are bringing the quarterfinals back. Hopefully for good! Now the only format change I want is either a new round before the quarterfinals OR have guest judges come to the auditions like they used to do during the Judge Cuts (like after Terry and the judges all push their golden buzzers)
I cannot predict who will push who, but I can say who I want by who’s been gold buzzed in the audition and who hasn’t
Acts who have golden buzzers
Learnmore Jonasi
Liv Warfield
Pranysqua Mishra
Acts who hadn’t been gold buzzed but should
Attraction Juniors
Helen the Foot Juggler
Young Min
Erica Rhodes
Reyna Roberts
Maya Neelakantan
Biko’s Manna
Ashlee Montague
Mia Soleli Sanchez
Sebastian & Sonia
B. Thompson
Kelsey Jane
Brooke Bailey
@Bartamethius that would be ok if the ones eliminated are not Learnmore, Legión, or Liv
This season is going to be so hard! There are now 29 acts I feel can make to the finals!
While the Olympics are on, I need to get to work on my list for the predictions thread!