America's Got Talent Wiki

The twentieth episode of Season 10, and the two hundred and thirty-ninth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on September 8, 2015. It was the second of two Semifinals performance episodes and took place in Radio City Music Hall. 11 acts performed for 5 spots in the Finals.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Name Image Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie
1. 3 Shades of Blue 3shadesofblue Band
2. Gary Vider Garyvider Comedian Ovation
3. Alondra Santos Alondrasantos Mariachi Singer
4. Freelusion Freelusion Videomapping Act
5. Alicia Michilli Aliciamichilli Singer Ovation
6. Piff the Magic Dragon Piffthemagicdragon Magician Ovation Ovation Ovation
7. Daniella Mass Daniellamass Opera Singer
8. Uzeyer Novruzov Uzeyernovruzov Ladder Acrobat
9. The Professional Regurgitator Theprofessionalregurgitator Regurgitator Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
10. Sharon Irving Sharonirving Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
11. Paul Zerdin Paulzerdin Ventriloquist Ovation Ovation Ovation

