America's Got Talent Wiki

The nineteenth episode of Season 13, and the three hundred and sixth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on September 11, 2018. It was the second of two Semifinals performance episodes and took place in the Dolby Theatre. 11 acts performed for 5 spots in the Finals.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Name Image Act Howie Mel B Heidi Simon
1. Christina Wells Christinawellsnbc Singer Ovation
2. Da RepubliK Darepublik Dance Group X
3. Noah Guthrie Noahguthrienbc Singer and Guitarist Ovation
4. Daniel Emmet Danielemmetnbc Opera Singer Ovation
5. Angel City Chorale AGT-S13-Golden-Buzzer-Angel-City-Chorale Choir Ovation
6. Aaron Crow Aaroncrownbc Danger Act Ovation
7. Vicki Barbolak Vickibarbolaknbc Comedian Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
8. We Three Wethreenbc Band Ovation
9. Glennis Grace AGT-S13-Glennis-Grace-Normal Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
10. Brian King Joseph Briankingjosephnbc Electric Violinist Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
11. Courtney Hadwin Courtneyhadwinnbc Singer Ovation Ovation
