America's Got Talent Wiki

The eleventh episode of Season 15, and the three hundred and fifty-fifth episode of America's Got Talent overall, was aired on August 18, 2020. It was the second of four Quarterfinals performance episodes and took place at Universal Studios Hollywood. 11 acts performed for 5 spots in the Semifinals.

Due to Simon Cowell continuing to recover from injury, Kenan Thompson took his place.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
Name Image Act Howie Heidi Sofia Kenan
1. Kelvin Dukes Kelvindukesnbc Singer
2. The Shape Theshapenbc Dance Group
3. Kameron Ross Kameronrossnbc Singer
4. BAD Salsa Badsalsanbc Salsa Duo Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
5. Vincent Marcus Vincentmarcusnbc Impressionist
6. Alexis Brownley & The Puppy Pals Alexispuppypalsnbc Dog Act
7. BONAVEGA Bonaveganbc Singer Ovation
8. Spyros Bros Spyrosbrosnbc Diabolo Duo Ovation Ovation Ovation
9. Daneliya Tuleshova Daneliaytuleshovanbc Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
10. Jonathan Goodwin Jonathangoodwinnbc Daredevil Ovation Ovation Ovation
11. Voices of Our City Choir Voicesofourcitychoirnbc Choir Ovation

