America's Got Talent Wiki

The first episode of Season 3, and the twenty-eighth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on June 17, 2008. It was the first auditions episode and took place in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. 17 acts from this episode proceeded to the Vegas Round, and 21 acts were rejected.

Piers Morgan, Sharon Osbourne, and David Hasselhoff returned as judges. Jerry Springer returned as host for his second season.

Moved On[]

Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Jonathan Arons Jonathanarons Trombonist Check Check Check
Indiggo Indiggo Vocal Duo Check Check X
Nuttin' But Stringz Nuttin'butstringz Violin Duo Check Check Check
David Martin Davidmartin Magician Check Check Check
Scott Land Scottland Puppeteer Check Check X
Plastic Musik Plasticmusik Percussion Group X Check Check
Kaitlyn Maher Kaitlynmaher Singer Check Check Check
Slippery Kittens Slipperykittens Burlesque Dance Group Check Check Check
Jonathan Burkin Jonathanburkin Baton Twirler Check Check Check
Derrick Barry Derrickbarry Britney Spears Impersonator X Check Check
Polina Volchek Polinavolchek Acrobat Check Check Check
Sterling Silver Sterlingsilver Clogging Group Check Check Check
Cafidia Stuart Cafidiastuart Singer Check Check Check
SickStep Sickstep Dance Group Check Check
Extreme Dance FX Extremedancefx Clogging Group Check Check Check
Neal E. Boyd Neale.boyd Opera Singer Check Check Check


Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Bill B. Curlee Billb.curlee Singer and Dancer X X X
Nick Afanasiev Nickafanasiev Tongue Flexer X X X
Lady "J" Huston Ladyjhuston Dancer and Trumpeter X X X
Harold Short II Haroldshortii Clown X X X
The Quiddlers Thequiddlers3 Puppeteer Group X X X
Ed Jacques Edjacques Novelty Act X X X
Adam Ace Adamace Comedian X X X
Mary Bly Marybly Tap Dancer X Check X
Justin Gabriel Ballasy Justingabrielballasy Tap Dancer X X X
Joshua Starr Joshuastarr Hula Hooper X X X
Brendon Mak Brendonmak Singer and Accordionist X X X
Chay Vang Chayvang Guitarist X X X
Terry Christensen Terrychristensen Singer X X X
Singing Santa Claus Singingsantaclaus Singer X
Jacqueline Groover Jacquelinegroover Singer
Stumblebum Brass Stumblebumbrass Band X X X
Company Dallasdancecompany Dance Group X X X
The Renegades Therenegades Dance Group X X X
Daniel Burton Danielburton Dancer X X X
M&M Twinz M&mtwinz Dance Duo X X X
Daisy Taste Daisytaste Rollerblade Dancer X X X