America's Got Talent Wiki

The second episode of Season 4, and the forty-ninth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on June 24, 2009. It was the second of ten auditions episodes and took place in Seattle and Miami. 8 acts from this episode proceeded to the Vegas Round, and 7 acts were rejected.

Moved On[]

Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Manuela Horn Manuelahorn Yodeller Check Check Check
The Comic-Bots Thecomic-bots Robot Band Check Check
Tom Durnin Tomdurnin Magician Check
G-Force G-force Band X Check Check
Erik and Rickie Erikandrickie Ballroom Duo Check Check Check
Drew Thomas Drewthomas Magician Check Check Check
Alizma Alizma Violin Trio Check Check Check
Arcadian Broad Arcadianbroad Dancer Check Check Check


Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Rafael Serrano Rafaelserrano Singer X Check X
Jennifer Guadix Jenniferguadix Dancer X X X
Janifer James Janiferjames Burlesque Dancer X X X
Veniamin Shows Veniaminshows Novelty Act X X X
Tim Monteith Timmonteith Puppeteer X X X
DeanO and Friends Deanoandfriends Clown Group X X X
Dan Diaz Dandiaz Bucket Balancer X X X
