America's Got Talent Wiki

The seventh episode of Season 4, and the fifty-fourth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on July 14, 2009. It was the seventh of ten auditions episodes and took place in New York. 9 acts from this episode proceeded to the Vegas Round, and 6 acts were rejected.

Moved On[]

Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Tallan Noble Latz Tallannoblelatz Electric Guitarist Check Check Check
Tony Ferrante Tonyferrante Dancer X Check Check
Arthur Gulkarov Arthurgulkarov Contortionist Dancer Check Check Check
Nathan Burton Nathanburton Magician Check Check Check
African High Flyers Africanhighflyers Acrobatic Group Check Check
Kelli Glover Kelliglover4 Singer Check Check Check
The Platt Brothers Theplattbrothers Acrobat Trio Check Check Check
Spiritual Harmonizers Spiritualharmonizers Vocal Group Check Check Check


Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Jeffrey Widom Jeffreywidom Singer X X X
Alex Feldman Alexfeldman Novelty Act X X X
Dorothy Bishop Dorothybishop Opera Singer X X X
Chris Evans Chrisevans Contortionist Dancer X X X
David Glass Davidglass Singer X X X
Badd Girls Baddgirls Vocal Trio X X X
