America's Got Talent Wiki

The ninth episode of Season 4, and the fifty-sixth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on July 21, 2009. It was the ninth of ten auditions episodes and featured acts who submitted their auditions onto Myspace. 9 acts from this episode proceeded to the Vegas Round, and 8 acts were rejected.

Moved On[]

Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Ishaara Ishaara Dance Group Check Check Check
The Flash Theflash Juggling Duo Check Check Check
Duo Design Duodesign Acrobat Duo X Check Check
Marcus Terell & The Serenades Marcusterell&theserenades Singer Check Check Check
Charles DeWayne Dorsey Charlesdewaynedorsey Singer and Pianist Check Check Check
Encore Encore Dance Group Check Check Check
Alycia Cooper Alyciacooper Comedian Check Check Check
N2UN N2un Violinist and Pianist Check Check Check
Kara & Corey Britz Kara&coreybritz Singer and Guitarist Check Check Check


Name Image Act Piers Sharon David
Jerry "El Vegas" Katz Jerryelvegaskatz Singer and Dancer X X X
The Jumping Eagles Thejumpingeagles Jump Rope Group X X X
Shaun Berkey Shaunberkey Singer X X X
Don Baldaramos Donbaldaramos Actor X X X
Shaunie Shaunie Singer and Dancer X X X
Ashley Groff Ashleygroff Singer X X X
Eddie & The Puppet Divas Eddie&thepuppetdivas Puppeteer X X X
Heavy Vee Heavyvee Dancer X X X
