America's Got Talent Wiki

The sixth episode of Season 5, and the seventy-ninth ever episode of America's Got Talent, aired on June 22, 2010. It was the sixth auditions episode and took place in Orlando. 8 acts from this episode proceeded to the Vegas Round, and 6 acts were rejected.

Moved On[]

Name Image Act Piers Sharon Howie
Frankie Elliston Frankieelliston Magician Check X Check
MURRAY Murray Magician Check Check Check
The South Philly Vikings Thesouthphillyvikings Dance Group Check X Check
Max Winfrey Maxwinfrey Knife Thrower Check Check Check
Erin Barylski Erinbarylski Painter Check Check Check
Simeon Mulder Simeonmulder Pianist Check Check Check
Studio One Young Beast Society Studiooneyoungbeastsociety Dance Group Check Check Check
Harmonik Harmonik Band Check Check Check


Name Image Act Piers Sharon Howie
Tiahizzi Cherrelle Tiahizzicherrelle Singer and Dancer X X X
Yogi Laser Yogilaser Contortionist X X X
Paul Pierog, "Not Your President" Paulpierog,notyourpresident Novelty Act X X X
Fafo Fafo Dancer X X X
Efim Tabachnikov Efimtabachnikov Singer X X X
Sponjetta Parrish Sponjettaparrish Singer X X X
