America's Got Talent Wiki

The fifthteenth episode of Season 6, and the one hundred and twentieth ever episode of America's Got Talent, aired on July 19, 2011. It was the second Quarterfinals performance episode and took place in Hollywood. 12 acts performed for 4 spots in the Semifinals.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Name Image Act Piers Sharon Howie
1. Attack Dance Crew Attackdancecrew Dance Group   
2. Dani Shay Danishay Singer and Guitarist     
3. Geechy Guy Geechyguy Comedian X
4. Daniel Joseph Baker Danieljosephbaker Singer and Pianist
5. The Rhinestone Ropers Therhinestoneropers Wild West Performers X     
6. Dylan Andre Dylanandre Singer and Guitarist    
7. Landon Swank Landonswank Magician    
8. Smage Bros. Riding Shows Smagebros.ridingshows Stunt Motorbike Group Ovation Ovation
9. Thomas John Thomasjohn Juggler X X
10. Steven Retchless Stevenretchless Pole Dancer X Ovation   
11. Mona Lisa Monalisa Vocal Duo
12. Silhouettes Silhouettes Shadow Dance Group Ovation Ovation Ovation