America's Got Talent Wiki

The eighteenth episode of Season 6, and the one hundred and twenty-third episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on July 27, 2011. It was the third Quarterfinals results episode and took place in Hollywood. 4 acts proceeded to the Semifinals, and 8 acts were eliminated.

Moving On[]

Name Image Act Result
POPLYFE Poplyfe Band America's Vote


Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. Landaueugenemurphy,jr. Jazz Singer America's Vote


Lys Agnès Lysagnes Opera Singer America's Vote


Professor Splash Professorsplash High Diver Judges' Vote



Name Image Act Result
Ian Johnson Ianjohnson Yo-Yoer America's Vote


Summerwind Skippers Summerwindskippers Jump Rope Group America's Vote


Purrfect Angelz Purrfectangelz Dance Group America's Vote


Mauricio Herrera Mauricioherrera Singer and Dancer America's Vote


Captain & Maybelle Captain&maybelle Sideshow Duo America's Vote


Monét Monet Singer America's Vote


SH'Boss Boys Sh'bossboys Rappers

America's Vote


Seth Grabel Sethgrabel Magician Judges' Vote (G4)

Guest Performers[]
