America's Got Talent Wiki

The fourteenth episode of Season 7, and the one hundred and fifty-first ever episode of America's Got Talent, aired on July 2, 2012. It was the first Quarterfinals performance episode and took place in Newark. 12 acts performed for 4 spots in the Semifinals.

This was the first ever episode to take place in the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, in Newark.

Full Episode[]


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Name Image Act Howard Sharon Howie
1. Distinguished Men of Brass Distinguishedmenofbrassnbc Brass Band
2. Edon Edonnbc Singer and Pianist
3. Jarrett & Raja Jarrett&rajanbc Magicians
4. Lil Starr Lilstarrnbc Tap Dancer   
5. Todd Oliver Toddolivernbc Ventriloquist   
6. American BMX Stunt Team Americanbmxstuntteamnbc BMX Team   
7. Nikki Jensen Nikkijensennbc Singer   
8. The Scott Brothers Thescottbrothersnbc Dance Duo
9. Michael Nejad Michaelnejadnbc Instrumentalist X X X
10. 787 Crew 787crewnbc Dance Group
11. Shanice & Maurice Hayes Shanice&mauricehayesnbc Vocal Duo Ovation
12. David Garibaldi and His CMYK's Davidgaribaldiandhiscmyk'snbc Painting Dance Group Ovation Ovation Ovation
