America's Got Talent Wiki

The tenth episode of Season 8, and the one hundred and seventy-eighth episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on July 23, 2013. It was the first Quarterfinals episode and took place in New York. 12 acts performed for 4 spots in the Semifinals.

This was the first ever episode to take place in Radio City Music Hall, in New York. This was also the first episode in the history of reality competition shows that counted votes through Twitter.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Name Image Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie
1. Anna Christine Annachristinenbc Singer
2. Tellavision Tellavisionnbc Dance Group Ovation
3. American Hitmen Americanhitmennbc Band
4. Special Head Specialheadnbc Novelty Act
5. Fresh Faces Freshfacesnbc Dance Group
6. Collins Key Collinskeynbc Magician Ovation Ovation
7. Kevin Downey Jr. Kevindowneyjrnbc Comedian
8. Aaralyn & Izzy Aaralyn&izzynbc Singer and Drummer X Ovation
9. Alexanderia the Great Alexanderiathegreatnbc Escape Artist
10. KriStef Brothers Kristefbrothersnbc Acrobat Duo Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
11. Hype Hypenbc Dance Trio
12. Branden James Brandenjamesnbc Opera Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation

