America's Got Talent Wiki

The seventh episode of America's Got Talent: Fantasy League aired on February 12, 2024. It was the Finals performance show. 10 acts competed to be crowned the champion.


Name Image Act Team Howie Heidi Mel Simon
1. The Pack Drumline Thepackdrumlinefl Percussion Group Simon Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
2. Sofie Dossi Sofiedossifl Contortionist Heidi Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
3. Kodi Lee Kodileefl Singer and Pianist Howie Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
4. V.Unbeatable V.unbeatablefl Dance Group Heidi Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
5. Ramadhani Brothers Ramadhanibrothersfl Acrobat Duo Howie Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
6. Musa Motha Musamothafl Dancer Simon Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
7. Aidan Bryant Aidanbryantfl Aerialist Mel B Ovation Ovation Ovation
8. Shadow Ace Shadowacefl Shadow Act Howie Ovation
9. Billy & Emily England Billy&emilyenglandfl Rollerblade Duo Mel B Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
10. SAINTED Saintedfl Choir Simon Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation
