America's Got Talent Wiki

The seventeenth episode of Season 15, and the three hundred and sixty-first episode of America's Got Talent overall, was aired on September 8, 2020. It was the first of two Semifinals performance episodes and took place at Universal Studios Hollywood. 11 acts performed for 5 spots in the Finals.


Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
Name Image Act Heidi Howie Sofia
1. Double Dragon Doubledragonnbc Vocal Duo Ovation Ovation
2. Dance Town Family Dancetownfamilynbc Dance Group
3. Broken Roots Brokenrootsnbc Vocal Duo
4. Spyros Bros Spyrosbrosnbc Diabolo Duo
5. Thomas Day Thomasdaynbc Singer Ovation Ovation
6. Alan Silva Alansilvanbc Aerialist
7. Shaquira McGrath Shaquiramcgrathnbc Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation
8. Brandon Leake Brandonleakenbc Poet Ovation Ovation Ovation
9. Malik DOPE Malikdopenbc Drummer Ovation Ovation Ovation
10. Archie Williams Archiewilliamsnbc Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation
11. Roberta Battaglia Robertabattaglianbc Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation

