America's Got Talent Wiki

The seventh episode of Season 9, and the two hundred and second episode of America's Got Talent overall, aired on July 22, 2014. It was the first of two Judgment Week episodes and took place in New York. 8 acts from this episode proceeded straight to the Quarterfinals without performing. 33 acts each performed for one of the thirty-nine remaining live show spots. 2 acts gained spots after their performances and 1 act was eliminated.



Extended Preview Judgment Week - America's Got Talent 2014 (Preview)

Moved On without Performing[]

Eight acts considered some of the judges' favorite acts of the season were visited by the judges and Nick Cannon personally and given spots in the Quarterfinals.

BluejourneyBlue Journey David&leemanDavid & Leeman HartdanceteamHart Dance Team Domthebom'striplethreatDom the Bom's Triple Threat
JonatanriquelmeJonatan Riquelme DannaturmanDan Naturman ActeiiActe II EmilanddarielEmil and Dariel


MikesuperMike Super PsychojackPsycho Jack FranklinsaintFranklin Saint
MatfrancoMat Franco MagicofstephenknightMagic of Stephen Knight

Dance Acts[]

Sean&lukeSean & Luke SoltoesengulovSolto Esengulov DragonhousetheagentsDragon House "The Agents"
John&andrewJohn & Andrew

Kid Singers[]

QuintaviousjohnsonQuintavious Johnson GraceanngregorioGrace Ann Gregorio MarajustineMara Justine
JuliagoodwinJulia Goodwin


DariksantosDarik Santos WendyliebmanWendy Liebman JoematareseJoe Matarese

Variety Acts[]

JuancarlosJuan Carlos JohnnarumJohn Narum LooprawlinsLoop Rawlins
Mightyatomjr.Mighty Atom Jr. JdandersonJD Anderson

Female Singers[]

EmilywestEmily West CarlyjojacksonCarly Jo Jackson AnnaclendeningAnna Clendening
KelligloverKelli Glover

Moved On[]

Two acts impressed the judges so greatly with their Judgment Week performances that the judges decided to send them to the Quarterfinals immediately.


John & Andrew


Mara Justine


One act disappointed the judges so greatly with his Judgment Week performance that the judges decided to eliminate him from the competition immediately.


Psycho Jack

