America's Got Talent Wiki

LionDanceMe was a lion dance group from Season 7 of America's Got Talent. It was eliminated in the Quarterfinals.


For centuries, Lion Dance has been an important tradition of the Chinese culture since the Han Dynasty (180-230AD). Lion Dance was performed as a skill of martial arts that eventually evolved to take into account the lion’s expression and natural movements. At LionDanceMe, Lion Dance is pionerred to the next level. The group has taken the tradition and transformed it into a modernized system that can draw the interest of people from all walks of life, thus making Lion Dance mainstream and an extreme sport consideration.

LionDanceMe’s goal is to innovate the art and sport of Lion Dance and transform it into an American mainstream frenzy. The group provides resources and a social platform for Lion Dancers and enthusiasts with training and development, event services, and custom products who wish to expand their knowledge and skills. They have a strong knowledgeable base of advisors, who have trained vigorously to a professional level and understand what it takes to master the art and sport of Lion Dance.

LionDanceMe serves as a freemason to the Lion Dance public, welcoming all groups and enthusiasts around the world. They want everyone to share their experiences and answer questions for those who want to know more about the art and sport of Lion Dance. 1


LionDanceMe's audition in Episode 702 consisted of performing a lion dance routine of moving on elevated platforms. Howard Stern, Sharon Osbourne, and Howie Mandel all voted "Yes," sending the act to the Vegas Round.

Vegas Round[]

LionDanceMe was one of the Standby Acts in the Vegas Round. It was sorted into the "Danger Acts" category. Its performance in Episode 713 consisted of jumping onto plates on elevated poles in Chinese lion costumes. Its audition was strong enough for the judges to send it to the Quarterfinals.


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LionDanceMe with other Group B Quarterfinalists

LionDanceMe's Quarterfinals performance in Episode 716 consisted of hopping on small platforms in traditional Chinese lion suits to Swedish DJ Avicii's "Levels." The group did not receive enough votes to be sent to the Semifinals in Episode 717, eliminating the group from the competition along with Hawley Magic, instead of Tom Cotter.

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