America's Got Talent Wiki

Orlando Leyba was a comedian from Season 18 of America's Got Talent. He was eliminated in the Semifinals.


Orlando calls himself a "positivity conoisseur". He had his own show on HBO, was featured on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show, and participated in the comedy competition shows Bring the Funny and Stand Up Showcase.


Orlando Leyba's audition in Episode 1801 consisted of performing stand-up comedy including anecdotes about a vacation in Yellowstone National Park. All 4 judges voted "Yes", sending him to the next round.


Orlando was chosen to advance to the Semifinals.


Orlando Leyba's Semifinals performance in Episode 1816 consisted of performing a stand-up routine about his wife, the inability to multitask and how laziness makes him loyal. He did not receive enough votes to enter the top 5 of the night in Episode 1817, eliminating him from the competition instead of Shadow Ace.

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