America's Got Talent Wiki

Season 9 of America's Got Talent premiered on May 26, 2014. It concluded on September 17, 2014. The entire judging panel and host from Season 8 returned.

Snapple continued to be the official beverage sponsor of America's Got Talent and its products were featured on the show throughout the season, along with their cups on the judges' desk.

America's Got Talent again shot live shows from Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

Judging Panel[]

Howard Stern Heidi Klum Mel B Howie Mandel
Howardseason9 Heidiseason9 Melbseason9 Howieseason9


Nick Cannon


Main article: Season 9 Episodes


Main article: Season 9 Acts


Main article: Season 9 Auditions

Acts auditioned for the judges in New York and Los Angeles. There was a new Golden Buzzer aspect which allowed each judge the opportunity to send one act to the next round whatever the other judges voted.

Judgment Week[]

Main article: Season 9 Judgment Week


Main article: Season 9 Quarterfinals

Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
X Buzzer
Check Judges' Choice Vote

Week 1[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Sean & Luke Tap Dancers Eliminated
2. Valo & Bobby Acrobat Duo Eliminated
3. Julia Goodwin Singer Eliminated
4. Baila Conmigo Dance Group Check Check Ovation Check Moved On (JC)
5. David and Leeman Magicians Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
6. The Willis Clan Family Band Eliminated
7. Flight Crew Jump Rope Jump Rope Group Check Eliminated (JC/WC)
8. Jasmine Flowers Dance Group Eliminated
9. Emily West Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
10. JD Anderson Strongman Eliminated
11. Dan Naturman Comedian Ovation Ovation Moved On
12. Miguel Dakota Singer and Guitarist Ovation Moved On

Week 2[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Hart Dance Team Dance Group Eliminated
2. Loop Rawlins Wild West Performer Eliminated
3. John & Andrew Salsa Duo Eliminated
4. Livy, Matt & Sammy Band Eliminated
5. Andrey Moraru Hand Balancer Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
6. Juan Carlos Rollerblade Dancer X Ovation Eliminated
7. Mara Justine Singer Check Check Check Moved On (JC)
8. Aerial Animation Aerialist Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
9. Jaycob Curlee Singer and Guitarist Moved On
10. Mat Franco Magician Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
11. Darik Santos Comedian Eliminated
12. ACTE II Opera Duo Ovation Eliminated (JC)

Week 3[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Dragon House "The Agents" Dance Trio Eliminated
2. Anna Clendening Singer Eliminated
3. Cornell Bhangra Dance Group Ovation Ovation Eliminated
4. Kieran & Finian Makepeace Band Eliminated
5. Mike Super Mystifier OvationCheck Eliminated (JC/WC)
6. Adrian Romoff Pianist Ovation Eliminated
7. AcroArmy Acrobatic Group Check OvationCheck OvationCheck Ovation Moved On (JC)
8. Wendy Liebman Comedian Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Eliminated (WC)
9. Sons of Serendip Band Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
10. Blue Journey Dance Duo Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
11. Christian Stoinev Hand Balancer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
12. Paul Ieti Singer Moved On

Week 4[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Bad Boys of Ballet Dance Group Ovation Ovation Eliminated (WC)
2. One Voice Children's Choir Choir Eliminated (JC)
3. Jonah Smith Singer Moved On
4. Dom the Bom's Triple Threat Card Thrower Eliminated
5. Extreme Dance Group Eliminated
6. Emil and Dariel Cellist Duo Ovation Ovation Moved On
7. Nina Burri Contortionist Eliminated
8. Quintavious Johnson Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
9. Mothmen Dance Dance Group Ovation Eliminated
10. Smoothini Magician Moved On
11. Jonatan Riquelme Acrobat Eliminated
12. Kelli Glover Singer Check Check Check Moved On (JC)


Main article: Season 9 Semifinals

Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
Check Judges' Choice Vote

Week 1[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Flight Crew Jump Rope Jump Rope Group Ovation Ovation Eliminated
2. Mara Justine Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On (SS)
3. Bad Boys of Ballet Dance Group Ovation Eliminated
4. Paul Ieti Singer Eliminated
5. Mike Super Mystifier Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
6. Andrey Moraru Hand Balancer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Eliminated
7. Miguel Dakota Singer Moved On
8. Sons of Serendip Band Ovation Ovation Moved On
9. David and Leeman Magicians Check Check Check Moved On (JC)
10. Dan Naturman Comedian Eliminated
11. Aerial Animation Aerialist Eliminated (JC)
12. Emily West Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On

Week 2[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie
1. Jonah Smith Singer Ovation Ovation Eliminated
2. Baila Conmigo Dance Group Ovation Ovation Eliminated
3. Jaycob Curlee Singer and Guitarist Eliminated
4. Mat Franco Magician Ovation Ovation Moved On
5. AcroArmy Acrobatic Group Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
6. Kelli Glover Singer Eliminated
7. Wendy Liebman Comedian Ovation Ovation Eliminated
8. Blue Journey Dance Duo Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On (SS)
9. Emil and Dariel Cellist Duo Ovation Ovation Moved On
10. Smoothini Magician Eliminated (JC)
11. Christian Stoinev Hand Balancer Check Check Check Moved On (JC)
12. Quintavious Johnson Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On


Main article: Season 9 Finals

All 12 remaining acts performed for six spots in the Final 6. The six remaining acts then performed to win one million dollars and the headlining of a show on the Las Vegas strip.

Symbol Meaning
Ovation Standing Ovation
Check Judges' Choice Vote

Top 12[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Mara Justine Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Eliminated
2. David and Leeman Magicians Eliminated
3. Sons of Serendip Band Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On (SS)
4. Christian Stoinev Hand Balancer Eliminated
5. Emil and Dariel Cellist Duo Check Ovation OvationCheck Eliminated (JC)
6. AcroArmy Acrobatic Group Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
7. Quintavious Johnson Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
8. Mike Super Mystifier Ovation Ovation Eliminated
9. Blue Journey Dance Duo Eliminated
10. Emily West Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Moved On
11. Mat Franco Magician Moved On
12. Miguel Dakota Singer and Guitarist Check Check Moved On (JC)

Final 6[]

Name Act Howard Heidi Mel B Howie Result
1. Quintavious Johnson Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation 5th Place
2. Mat Franco Magician Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Winner
3. Emily West Singer Ovation Ovation 2nd Place
4. Miguel Dakota Singer and Guitarist 6th Place
5. Sons of Serendip Band Ovation Ovation Ovation 4th Place
6. AcroArmy Acrobatic Group Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation 3rd Place
7. Mat Franco Magician Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Top 6
8. Sons of Serendip Band Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Top 6
9. Quintavious Johnson Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Top 6
10. Miguel Dakota Singer and Guitarist Top 6
11. AcroArmy Acrobatic Group Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Top 6
12. Emily West Singer Ovation Ovation Ovation Ovation Top 6

Notable past contestants[]

  • Nick Fradiani, who auditioned with his band Beach Avenue, later tried out for season 14 of American Idol. He won the show on May 13, 2015, becoming the first person from the northeastern part of the country to win the series.


  • Season 9 is only the third time auditions were not held in Chicago, Illinois.
  • Season 9 is the first season since Season 1 not to feature a Vegas Round
  • Season 9 introduced the Golden Buzzer. Each judge can hit it only once through the season, and it makes an act go through regardless of votes.
  • The Red Buzzers were almost never used during the live shows, with only one performance being buzzed (intentionally). This makes it the season with the least amount of acts being buzzed in the Live Shows.
