America's Got Talent Wiki

Stick and Move Dance Crew was a dance duo from Season 7 of America's Got Talent. It was eliminated in the Vegas Round.


The two members of Stick and Move Dance Crew are Monternez Rezell and Jonathan St. Clair.


Stick and Move Dance Crew's audition in Episode 701 consisted of dancing feats such as spinning in place, backflips, and two-person cartwheels. Howard Stern, Sharon Osbourne, and Howie Mandel all voted "Yes," sending the act to the Vegas Round.

Vegas Round[]

Stick and Move Dance Crew was one of the Standby Acts in the Vegas Round. It was sorted into the "Dance Groups" category. Its performance in Episode 713 was not televised, but it consisted of dancing to "Boom Boow Pow". Their audition was not strong enough for the judges to send them to the Quarterfinals, eliminating them from the competition along with Battle Born, Elements Dance Cru, and Old Shoes, New Shoes.

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